आज का शब्द - शक्ति
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CPGC Elections 2025
101st Annual Convocation
67th Annual Flower Show 2025
NEP: UGCF 2022 Syllabi of Courses of UGCF 2022 & related Notifications
नव वर्ष 2025 की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं
Condolence Message on demise of Dr. Manmohan Singh, Former Prime Minister of India
DUSU Elections - 2024-2025
Delhi University E-Library
Special Cut-Off List 2024 for NCWEB
Mop-up Admission Round for Undergraduate 2024-25
Press Release - 5th Cut-Off List 2024 for NCWEB
Press Release - 4th Cut-Off List 2024 for NCWEB
Press Release - Special Cut-Off List 2024 for NCWEB
National Conference on Urban Waste Management and Sustainable Solutions under the aegis of Spreading Awareness on Emerging Challenges of Air Pollution and Climate Change on Human Health in Urban Ecosystem - Department of Environmental Studies
Three Days Workshop on "R" Programming & Exploring RM Using AI Tool - Motilal Nehru College (Evening)
One Week Faculty Development Program conducted by Kamala Nehru College in collaboration with Institute of Lifelong Learning (ILLL)
Poster of Acharsala - Dean Students' Welfare
Department of Chemistry, Shivaji College is conducting an Add-on course on “ChemDraw & Microsoft Excel Applications in Chemistry” in the ongoing session
Department of Commerce, Shivaji College is conducting an Add-on course on “ Google Workspace Basics” in the ongoing session
Extension of last date : Call for Minor Research Projects for the faculty members of Delhi University - Centre for Tribal Studies
Faculty Development Programme on Quantum Computing and Post-Quantum Cryptography - Department of Computer Science,(February 3 - 9, 2025) (HYBRID MODE)
Call for Papers: DCRC Globalense a Journal of Social Science Research – ‘Artificial Intelligence and Education: Problems, Prospects and Priorities - Centre for Global Studies [CGS]
Free Health Camp - Delhi University Women's Association
Call for Papers: CGS Sanshleshan – ‘मनमोहन सिंह तथा भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था: अर्थनीति, राजनीति एवं लोकनीति’ [28 January 2025]
Seventh CGS Atal Bihari Vajpayee Memorial Lecture - Centre for Global Studies [CGS] (25 December 2024, 3:00 pm in ONLINE MODE)
One week FDP on "Research Methodology and Business Analytics - Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce
Call for Papers: CGS Sanshleshan – ‘चुनावी प्राक्कलन: परिकल्पना बनाम संकल्पना’ [28 December 2024] - Centre for Global Studies [CGS]
Proceedings of 29th Indian Colloquium on micropaleontology and stratigraphy, organized by the Department of Geology
Call for Papers' for the conference on Urban Water Management: Policy and Praxis - Department of Political Science
Call for Papers: CGS Sanshleshan – ‘चुनाव विज्ञान बनाम चुनाव परिणाम: हरियाणा एवं जम्मू कश्मीर चुनाव विश्लेषण’ [28 November 2024]
12th workshop on Bioinformatics and Drug Design: Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Based Methods (BIF-DD-2024) 18th to 20th December, 2024 - Dr BR Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research
CGS Sanshleshan – ‘क्षेत्रीय सुरक्षा, वैश्विक स्थिरता: पश्चिम एशियाई स्वीकार्यता’ [28 October 2024] - Centre for Global Studies [CGS]
"Call for Abstract submission for the First Winter Language Conference - Language & Literature in Digital Era - Sri Guru Gobind SIngh College of Commerce (8th November 2024)"
International Conference on Nuclear Physics and its Applications (ICNPA-2024) - Department of Physics and Astrophysics (October 21-25, 2024)
Call for Papers: CGS Sanshleshan – ‘विकसित भारत एवं महिला सशक्तिकरण: समानता, स्वतंत्रता व स्वीकार्यता ' [28 September 2024] - Centre for Global Studies [CGS]
Faculty Development Program (FDP) entitled “ Urban Infrastructure Resilience in Context of Extreme Weather Events - Department of Environmental Studies
National Seminar on 'Unraveling the Partition of India' at the Conference Centre, University of Delhi (14 August 2024, 10.00 a.m. onwards)- Centre for Independence and Partition Studies
परिवर्तनीय चुनावी राजनीति: वैश्विक परिदृश्य' [28 August 2024] - Centre for Global Studies [CGS]
Workshop on Digital Humanities and Methodological Tools - Department of English
Role of Plants in the Conservation of Natural Resources in the Department of Botany - Shivaji College (August 03, 2024)
International Conference on Mapping Disability in 20th Century Literature and Culture - Department of English
Extension of date submission ICL 2024 : International Conference on Learning (ICL 2024) on the theme: “Exploring the Indian Knowledge System : Tradition, Modernity, and Future Prospects - Lady Irwin College
National workshop on Urban Heat Island & Spreading Awareness on Emerging Challenge of Air Pollution and Climate Change on Human Health in Urban Ecosystems - Department of Environmental Studies
Call for Papers: DCRC GLOBALENSE: A JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH – ‘Democracy and Development: Analysing Global Elections, 2024’ [14 October 2024] - Centre for Global Studies [CGS]
Notice for Student/Faculty Offline add-on course - Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce
The New Criminal Laws: Exploring the Shift from ‘DANDA’ to ‘NYAYA’ - Centre for Global Studies
Call for Papers: CGS Sanshleshan – ‘लोकसभा चुनाव 2024: प्रदर्शन, परीक्षण एवं प्रभाव' (14 July 2024)
Study in Korea Fair :- International Relations (June 28 - 29, 2024)
जलवायु परिवर्तन: वैश्विकता से स्थानीयता की ओर' [14 June 2024] - Centre for Global Studies [CGS]
CGS Sanshleshan – ‘लोकसभा 2024: जनभावनाएं तथा संभावनाएं' - Centre for Global Studies [CGS][14 May 2024]
Departmental fest RASTANTRUM'24 - Shivaji College
Call for Papers: CGS Sanshleshan – ‘राजनीतिक शुचिता व सुशासन: लोकसभा चुनाव 2024' [14 April 2024]
Extension of last date till 14th April 2024 : Inviting Proposals for the Pre-Incubation Start-up Scheme IDEA :- Cluster Innovation Centre
Summer Undergraduate Research Programme (SURP-2024) - Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research
Call for Papers: CGS Sanshleshan – ‘विकसित भारत@2047: संभावनाएं एवं चुनौतियां’ :- Centre for Global Studies (March 14, 2024)
Emblem Unveiling Ceremony :- Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) (March 09, 2024)
India-Africa Relations: Exploring New Pathways and Building the Future Together :- Department of African Studies (March 6-7, 2024)
CGS Book Release and Discussion on ‘DELHI 2023: Changing Democracy, Transforming Polity’ - Centre for Global Studies [CGS] [Tuesday, 27 February 2024, 11:00 am] -
World Anthropology Day :- Department of Anthropology (February 15, 2024)
CGS Webinar on ‘Pakistan and Electoral Democracy: An Indian Perspective’ [Thursday, 8 February 2024, 3:00 pm] - Centre for Global Studies [CGS]
Call for Papers: CGS Sanshleshan – ‘राम मंदिर और राष्ट्रीय चेतना: विचार, विश्वास एवं विकास' - Centre for Global Studies [CGS][14 February 2024]
Annual Department Fest of Chemistry, "RASTANTRUM’24" - Shivaji College
CGS Book Discussion on India@75: A Changing Electoral Democracy” :- Centre for Global Studies [CGS] (January 14, 2024)
Call for Research Papers for National Seminar on 'India’s G20 Presidency: Accelerating the Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)' :- Lakshmibai College (January 30-31, 2024)
2nd Online Writing Courses in Hindi and English :- Writing Centre, ILLL (Institute of LifeLong Learning) (Last date for registering: 18th January, 2024)
Mathematica – Winter Introductory Session for DU Faculty Members and Research Scholars :- Delhi University Computer Centre (January 18, 2024)
Call for Papers: CGS Sanshleshan - ''न्याय संहिता अधिनियम: औपनिवेशिकता से भारतीयता की ओर'' (January 14, 2024)
20-day Certificate Course (40 hours)/Refresher Course on “SHRIMAD BHAGAVAD GITA” Enlightenment and Relevance (22 December 2023 – 10 January 2024) - Ramanujan College
International Conference on the theme ‘India@2030: Third largest economy in the world’ :- Jesus and Mary College (January 29-30, 2024)
Call for Abtsract submission for the 7th Biennial International Conference - Vision India@2047: Global Leader in Economic Growth, Sustainability and Decarbonisation :- Sri Guru Gobind SIngh College of Commerce (March 21-22,2024)
International Conference ‘India@2030: Third largest economy in the world’ :- Jesus and Mary College
Regarding appointment of Joint Director of Faculty of Law
Regarding suspension of teaching & administrative work from 01.00 pm onwards on occasion of 67th Flower Show on February 28, 2025
Notification - Appointment of Honorary Director, Centre for Global Studies, University of Delhi
Metro Heart Institute with Multispeciality & Yashoda Hospital & Research Centre is now shifted to List 'A' under "Direct Payment Facility" (under C.G.H.S)
Notification for "Direct Payment Facility" (Under List - "A") following Hospital/Institute/Centre, which is empanelled with University has beenapproved at C.G.H.S rates
Notification regarding Medanta The Medicity" hospital listed in the List "C" of Hospitals empanelled with University of Delhi under "Reimbursement Facility" under Non-CGHS
Regarding induction of Director, Delhi University Computer Centre in the Archives Committee
Regarding appointment of Director of Delhi School of Journalism
Regarding constitution of Committee for Solar Energy
Regarding appointment of Head and Dean, Department of Music
Notification regarding "Direct Payment Facility" (Under List - "A") has been approved at C.G.H.S rates
Kapil Multispeciality Hospital" listed "Reimbursement Facility"
Notice Regarding Reimbursement Facility" (Under List "B") Hospital/Institute, been approved at C.G.H.S rates
Notice regarding "Reimbursement Facility" Hospital/Institute, approved at C.G.H.S rates
Regarding Headship of the Department of Distance and Continuing Education and Deanship of the Faculty of Open Learning
Regarding rate of Interest on Provident Fund (GPF/CPF accumulation)
"Nulife Hospitals is now shifted to List 'A' under "Direct Payment Facility" (under CHGS)
Regarding appointment of Head, Department of Continuing Education and Extension
Regarding appointment of Chief Vigilance Officer(CVO), Department of African Studies
Notification regarding Headship of the Department of Computer Science and Deanship of the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences
Regarding appointed as Headship of Department of African Studies
Regarding for empanelment of Hospitals/Diagnostic Centres/AMAs, updated List-A, List-B, List-C, List-D & list of Authorized Medical Attendant (AMAs)
Regarding appointment as Co-Ordinator, IQAC
Nomination of members to look after the work of admission for the Academic Session 2025-2026
Regarding appointment of Nodal Officer and overall Incharge of implementation of various provisions with regard to "The Transgender Person (Protection of Rights) "
Regarding appointment of Deputy CEO, Udhmodya Foundation
Regarding constitution of Admission Committee for Foreign Nationals
Regarding appointment of Headship of the Department of History and Deanship, F/o Social Sciences
Notification regarding Payment of Conveyance / Honorarium for late sitting and working on Saturdays / Closed Days
Notification regarding Amendments to Ordinance -IV of the University (Migration & Re-admission)
Notification regarding Headship of the Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Regarding appointment of Head, Department of Forensic Medicine
Regarding appointment of Head, Department of Home Science
Notification regarding appointment as a Headship of the Department of Pharmacology
Regarding appointment of Controller of Examination as Chairperson for Student's Grievance Redressal Committee (SGRC for Examinations) responsible for addressing grievances related to the Examinations
Regarding appointment of Head, Department of English
Regarding constitution of committee in pursuance of the EC Resolution No. 24 dated 14.10.2024
List of Holidays 2025
Regarding the Authorised Medical Attendants (AMA'S) under List AMAs
Regarding empanelled Hospitals under Direct Payment Facility under CGHS (List - A)
Regarding empanelled Diagnostic Centres/Labs under List "D
Regarding appointment of Head, Department of Psychology
Notification regarding Doctor/Clinic to act as Authorised Medical Attendant (Under list AMAS)
Notification for closure of all the Offices/Departments/Faculties/ Centres of the University on Friday, the 1st November, 2024
Regarding contractual fee to Part-time Medical Officer - GDMO engaged at WUS Health Centre
Regarding revision of monetary ceiling for purchase / reimbursement of briefcase / office bag / ladies purse
Regarding Revision of Dearness Allowance @53% w.e.f. 01.07.2024
Regarding rate of Interest on Provident Fund
Temporary parking arrangement w.e.f. 21st to 25th October, 2024
Saturday, the 19th October, 2024 shall be a regular working day for all teaching and non- teaching of the University
Regarding appointment as Nodal Officer for various National Fellowship and Scholarship
Regarding nomination as Nodal Officer for implementation of Samarth Module
Regarding proforma for Computation of Income Tax & Form 12 BB (attached) for the financial year 2024-25
Regarding engagement of Housekeeping Staff on the University for housekeeping work - Estate Section
Regarding appointment of Dean, Works
Notification regarding Leave Travel Concession
Regarding appointment of Director (Incharge) and Deputy Director of Institute of Nano Medical Sciences (INMS)
Notice of Fake Medium of Instruction Certificate issued by fraudulent online portals
Notification for Election of three student members to the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)
Notification regarding Headship of the Department of Pediatrics
Notification regarding Dual Academic Degree
Notification for Academic Calendar for the First Year of Integrated Teacher Education Programme (ITEP) for the academic session 2024-25
Regarding appointment as Deputy Dean (FSR)
Regarding appointment of Head, Department of Urdu
Implementation of recommendation of the Seventh Central Pay Commission on Dress Allowance-reg
Notification regarding Authorised Medical Attendant (Under list AMAs) dated 23.092024
Departments, Library, Laboratory and teaching in Colleges of the University shall remain suspended on 27.09.2024 due to DUSU Election 2024-2025
Notification regarding "Direct Payment Facility" (Under List "A") dated 23.09.2024
Notification regarding "Reimbursement Facility" (Under List - "B") dated- 23 Sepeyember,2024
Notification regarding those employees of the University/its affiliated colleges who migrate to other cities after retirement and who are members of W.U.S. Health Centre can avail the medical services
Notification regarding Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and OSD, Institution of Eminence
Notification relating to Inter College Migration
Advisory - Restriction of movement of vehicles in the University of Delhi due to DUSU Election 2024-2025
Regarding re - designated as Joint Dean, Research Council
Notification regarding keep an extra key of their office/faculty room/classrooms/laboratory in their respective offices, so that in case of any emergency
Notification No. Acad.I/084-085/093-Ord. IV/420 dated 03.09.2024 related to Ordinance-IV of the University (Migration & Re-admission)
Notification regarding appointment of Dean, Faculty of Inter-disciplinary & Applied Sciences
Notification regarding appointment of Nodal Officer for Swachhta Pakhwada
Notification for Extension of date of Inter College Migration
Notification for rate of Honorarium/Conveyance charges for working on Saturday, Sunday and Holidays for all categories of Non- Teaching staff and other officers of the University
Notification for Submission of Applications for Counter-Signature of the Registrar
Notification regarding constitution the Committee for carrying forward the various tasks related to the documents & documentation and the objects stored and displayed in the DU Archives.
Regarding appointment of Joint Dean (Archives)
Notification regarding appointment of Joint Dean/ Deputy Dean Students Welfare (South Delhi Campus)
House Building Advance (HBA) Interest Rate Revision Notification
Notification regarding for Parking Sticker
Regarding appointment of Head, Department of Pathology
Notification for Academic Calendar of UG, PG and ITEP for the Academic Session 2024-25
Regarding appointed as Head, Department of Computer Science and and Deanship, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences
Regarding appointed as Head, Department of Genetics
Regarding Notification of Prevention and Control of Vector Borne Diseases (Dengue, Chikungunya & Malaria)
Regarding appointment of Dean (FSR)
Notification regarding Direct Payment Facility (Under List - A) dated . 05.08.2024
Regarding "SSB Heart And Multispecialty Hospital listed at Serial No. 101 in the List B of Hospital empanelled with University of Delhi under Reimbursement Facility is now shifted to List A under Direct Payment Facility
Notification for Academic Calendar of Undergraduate Courses for the Academic Session 2024-25
Regarding appointment of Liaison Officer for SC/ST and Grievance Officer for SC/ST students, employees and faculty
Regarding extension the tenure as Dean, Research (Life Sciences)
Notification regarding Headship of the Department of Bio-Physics
Notification regarding Cont. case (c) No. 220/2022 titled New Delhi Nature Society Versus Sh. Rajesh Bansal & Ors.
Notification No. F.O./Amended GFR/2024-25/2092 dated 18.07.2024 along with a copy of GFR Notification No. F.1/3/2024-PPD dated 10.07.2024
Notification No. F.O./GFR/2024-25/2195 dated 14.06.2024 along with a copy of GFR Notification No. F20/42/2021-PPD dated 20.05.2024
Notification regarding Executive Council Resolution No.15 dated 09.06.2023
Notification - CAS promotion review cases due to impact of 3rd and 4th amendments of UGC Regulations reg.
Notification regarding Academic Calendar for the Academic session 2024-2025
Notification regarding Direct Payment Facility (Under List - A) dated - 03.07.2024
Guidelines and Application form for International Travel Grant, Publication Grant and grant for organization of various Conferences/Seminar/Symposia etc. in the University
Notification regarding Direct Payment Facility (Under List - A) dated . 03.07.2024
Regarding appointed as Joint Dean Students' Welfare
Regarding appointment as Joint Director, Gandhi Bhawan
Regarding appointment as Joint Dean Students' Welfare
Circular regarding the office timings / working hours of the University
Regarding appointment of Controller of Examination
Notification regarding Headship of the Department of Dental Science
Regarding appointed as Head, Department of Philosophy
Regarding student's grievances/ representations related to hostel accommodation
Regarding constituted the Admission Committee of Post Graduate Diploma in Cyber Security and Law (PGDCSL)
Regarding GFR 2017 - Implementation of Special Provisions
Notification regarding the enhancement of gratuity from ₹20,00,000/- to ₹25,00,000/-
Regarding appointed as Head, Department of Political Science
Notification regarding Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) nomination
Regarding appointment of University Coordinators for implementing Student Induction Program (SIP), University Human Values-II (UHV-II) and Minor Degree in UHV
Regarding constituted a committee for the revision of Course of Post Graduate Diploma in Cyber Security and Law (PGDCSL)
Regarding appointment of Deputy Dean of Research Council
Notification regarding Summer Vacation
Regarding the appointment of Dean, Faculty of Education and Head, Department of Education
Regarding appointment of Dean, Students Welfare
Regarding closure of Gate No.1 of the University on 08.05.2024
Regarding Committee constituted to study/review the essence of a manuscript, received in the Office of the Vice Chancellor
Regarding Extension for Online Applications for allotment of University Accommodation
Regarding constitution of committee to prepare a detailed report for establishment of the centre for Gurmukhi Script
Regarding appointment of Nodal Officer of Epoch Centre, Department of History
Circular regarding submission of joint photograph with spouse by permanent Non-Teaching employees
Regarding appointed as Head, Department of Botany
Notification regarding the Deans, Joint Deans, Deputy Deans in the Office of International Relations and Foreign Student's Registry shall report to Prof. Neera Agnimitra, Chairperson
Notification regarding Constitution of a Committee for extension of lease of Police Station, Maurice Nagar
Regarding appointed as Head, Department of Sociology
Regarding appointed as Head, Department of Mathematics
Regarding extension of tenure of Honorary Director - Gandhi Bhawan
Booking of expenditure in respect of previous Financial Year 2023-24
Notificaiton dated 04.04.2024 filling up examination forms in UG/PG/LLB/Certificate/Diploma Exams in April/May/June-2024
Notification dated 02.04.2024 regarding filling up Centenary Chance Special Exams.
Regarding "Goel's Multispeciality Dental Clinic & Implant Centre located at 7A/460, Durgapuri Extn., Durgapuri Chowk, Link Road, Delhi-110093" listed in List B of Hospital empanelled with University of Delhi
Central Computing Facility - Centre for Hindu Studies
Regarding for Children Education Allowance reimbursement form
Regarding Suspension of teaching work on account of Holi Festival
Regarding appointed as Head, Department of Ayurvedic Medicine
Advisory for the allotment of Accommodation to staff
Notification for booking of Sir Shankar Lal Concert Hall for cancellation of booking w.e.f.19.03.2024
Regarding for Online application for allotment of University Accommodation
Revision of Dearness Allowance @50% w.e.f. 01.01.2024
Regarding constituted the Admission Committee for Foreign Nationals
Regarding appointed as Deputy Dean Students' Welfare, University of Delhi
Regarding revised assessment pattern of practicals of 1 credit or 2 credits Value Added Courses (VAC)
Regarding appointment of Nodal Officer, Maulana Azad National Fellowship (MANF)
Regarding appointed as Head, Department of Punjabi
Notification for Booking of University Premises
Re-Constituted the Managing Committee of University Guest House
Re-Constituted the Managing Committee of International Guest House
Regarding extension of tenure of Joint Dean (Research) - Department of Operational Research
Notification and Corrigendum - Notification on Maternity Leave to Adhoc/ Contractual Women Employees
Circular regarding Compendium of instruction for Creation, Revival, Continuation, Transfer, Up-gradation, Down-gradation and Abolition of posts in Autonomous Bodies under Central Goverment
Regarding appointment of Chairperson, Research Council
Regarding guidelines for Ph.D. Admissions
Regarding of Bills in respect of Financial Year 2023-24
Regarding appointment of Chairperson, International Relations
Regarding extension of tenure of Dean Admission
Regarding admission for the Academic Session 2024-2025
Regarding facilitating the welfare of the students admitted under the Orphan Quota at Undergraduate and Postgraduate level (including those admitted in the Academic Session 2023-24)
Regarding the Deanship, Faculty of Management Studies and Head, Department of Business Management and Industrial Administration
Notification regarding constituted Committee to look into the requests of the sportsperson students who are not able to appear for Semester Examinations due to clashing of the dates of their participation in the International, National & Inter University
Notification for 75% Fees Concession for PwBD Candidates for Ph.D Programmes
Notification regarding appointment of Joint Proctor and Deputy Proctor
regarding allotment of space for providing canteen services in University of Delhi through e-tender on Gem/CPP Portal
Regarding Flex Hospital listed in List B of Hospital empanelled with University of Delhi
Regarding appointment of Proctor
Regarding various Doctors/Centres/Clinics to act as Authorised Medical Attendant
Regarding rounding off the decimal for admission to the programmes Undergraduate and Post Graduate
Regarding implementing the Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan
Regarding appointed as Dean, Faculty of Medical Sciences
Regarding appointed as Head, Department of Economics
Regarding constitution of Committee to use of Social Media platforms
Notice regarding the Plagiarism Test Report
Regarding appointed as Director of the 5 Year Law Course (BA.LL.B. & BBA.LL.B.) under Faculty of Law
Regarding Doctors/Centers/Clinics to act as Authorised Medical Attendants (Under List AMAs)
Circular dated (28.11.2023) regarding CCS Leaves
Regarding appointment of Nodal Officer and Deputy Coordinator for Special Campaign 3.0 Swachhata hi Sewa and Mainstreaming of Mission Life
Regarding appointed as Head, Department of Persian
Constitution of Committee to conceptualize the event "Celebration of Samvidhan Amrit Mahotsav : Celebrating 75 years of Republic of Bharat"
Regarding appointment of Academic and Research Consultant
Circular regarding Periodic verification of qualifying service under the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 2021
Notice regarding Declaration of Winter Break
Revised Undergraduate Academic Calender 2023-24
Revised Postgraduate Academic Calender 2023-24
Regarding appointed Joint Dean, Culture Council
Regarding Regulation of remuneration in case of contract appointment of Central Government Employees
Revision of Dearness Allowance w.e.f. 01.07.2023
Regarding appointed as Director, Center for Independence and Partition Studies (CIPS)
Notification for revised licence fee of University accomodation w.e.f.01.07.2023
Regarding re-designation as Joint Proctor
Due care should be taken for using 'Map of Bharat' in a programme / book / prospectus etc.
Regarding a committee constituted to examine the matter of expired agreement/non-agreement & allotment of space without approval of the Competent Authority for running the various outlets in North & South Campus
Regarding appointed as Head, Department of Bio-Chemistry
Guidelines regarding Choice of Generic Electives GE(s)
Regarding addition/ replacement in the Sub Committees, IQAC
Notice for Extension of Last Date of Inter College Migration related to Ordinance-IV of the University (Migration & Re-admission) (Last date extended upto 13.10.2023)
Notification regarding Introduction of Master of Arts in Hindu Studies
Constitution of Committee for ASEAN-India Network of Universities AINU
Notification regarding the name of Kailash Deepak Hospital in Direct Payment List (CGHS) List A
Notification regarding Direct Payment Facility (Under List - A)
Enhance the Ex-Gratia allowance in respect of Hostel/Mess employees.
Regarding closure of Libraries, Faculties and Department falling on Chhatra Marg on 23rd September, 2023 due to DUSU Election process
Regarding Headship of Department of Medical Biochemistry.
Regarding Felix hospital under Direct Payment Facility
Regarding constitution of Grievance Redressal Cell for Redressal of Grievances related to DUSU Elections 2023-24
Regarding for change of category of existing members of Group Insurance Scheme on account of 38th Anniversary of GIS (Master Policy No.46796)
Regarding Headship of Department of Geology
Regarding Deanship, Faculty of Management Studies and Headship, Department of Business Management and Industrial Administration
Notification with regard to Re-admission (Ordinance IV)
Regarding closure of University on September 6, 2023 in view of G20 summit
Regarding closure of University from 08-09-2023 to 10-09-2023 on the occasion of G-20 Summit to be held in Delhi
Regarding the appointment of Dean (Ranking)
Regarding constitution of Committee to look into the proposal for establishment of "Adi Shankaracharya Shodhpeetham" Research Centre
Regarding the appointment of Dean, Faculty of Science
Regarding Headship of Department of Anesthesiology
Regarding Headship of Department of Physics & Astrophysics
Regarding Option for Central Government Employees to avail CGHS benefits either for their Parents or Parents-in-law
Regarding the appointment of Head, Department of Arabic
Regarding the Headship of Department of Dermatology & Venereology
Regarding appointment of Nodal Officer, Youth4Nation
Circular regarding Pay Fixation of Employees
Corrigendum - Revised Guidelines for Screening and or Shortlisting of candidates through direct recruitment in the University
Regarding appointment of Nodal Officer for all the action pertaining to RTI and Legal Cases w.r.t. Examination Wing
Regarding Notification No. Acad I/PG Fee/2022-23/656 dated 02.08.2022 Postgraduate fee structure for admission in university from Academic session 2022-23
Regarding appointment of Director and Joint Director, Centre for Tribal Studies
Regarding Scheme of Examination for the post of Assistant Librarian / Deputy Librarian in the University and College Librarian in the colleges
Regarding appointment of Co-ordinator, NSS
Regarding appointment of Co-ordinator, NCC
Regarding the appointment of Director and joint Director, Centre for Hindu Studies
Regarding the appointment of Director and Joint Director, Centre for Independence and Partition Studies
Regarding coverage under Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, in place of National Pension System
Regarding the Teacher - Student ratio in all the programmes / courses being offered by the University and its colleges
Regarding appointment of Coordinator and Co-Coordinator, IQAC & Sub - Committees, IQAC
Regarding Identity Card for Pensioners
Notification to identify unused/unserviceable electronic waste items lying various faculties/Departments/Centres of the University North & South Campus
Regarding appointment as Treasurer of Delhi University Students' Union (DUSU)
Regarding rates of monthly contribution for availing medical facilities or reimbursement of OPD / IPD from the University
Guidelines for Screening and or Shortlisting of candidates through direct recruitment in Colleges.
Regarding constitution of committee for utilization of infrastructure being created for academic purpose at Roshan Pura, Najafgarh land
Regarding constitution of Committee to see the feasibility of infrastructure projects of University of Delhi including visit of site
Regarding re-constitution of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
Regarding the appointment of Principal Investigator to vet the videos for project SATHEE
Regarding the closure of University from July 14 - 16, 2023
Revised notification reg. Interim Committee on Healthcare (ICH) for management of WUS Health Centres
Academic Calendar for Postgraduate Programmes for the Academic Sessions 2022-23 & 2023-24
Notification - Constitution of Extra Curricular Activities (ECA) Committee for Academic Session 2023-2024
Academic Calendar for Undergraduate Programmes for the Academic Sessions 2022-23 & 2023-24
Circular regarding All the Non -Teaching Employees to undertake inspection of their Service Book
Regarding the appointment of Dean, Faculty of Technology
Regarding re-constitution of Interim Advisory Council of Delhi School of Journalism
Revised/Updated list of Hospitals/Diagnostic centres under List-A, List-B, List-C, List-D & List of AMA upto 31.12.2024
Circular regarding Implementation of Dress Allowance to Nursing Personnel working in Central Universities (CUs) Health Centres
Regarding Valedictory Ceremony of Centenary Celebration
Circular regarding Revision of Consultation Fee, Room Rent and ICU charges for all Health care organizations
Regarding appointment of Head, Department of Ophthalmology
Regarding appointment of Joint Dean, Foreign Students' Registry
Regarding appointment of CISO and Deputy CISO for Countering Cyber Attacks and Cyber Terrorism
Regarding appointment of Nodal Officier for UTSAH (Undertaking Transformative Strategies and Actions in Higher Education) Portal
Notification for the appointed as a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and Deputy Chief Information Security Officer(Deputy CISO)
Renewal/ Extenstion of UGC Non-Net/ Non-JRF fellowship - Scholarship Cell
Notice for serving and retired employees
Regarding re-employment of research oriented Academicians
Regarding appointment of Professor - in - Charge of Law Centre-II
Regarding the appointment of Head, Department of Social Work
University of Delhi