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DU VC, congratulates Sh. K.J. Alphons for his pioneering book “The Winning Formula-52 Ways To Change Your Life”

The pioneering book on successful life and living titled “The Winning Formula-52 Ways To Change Your Life” authored by Sh. K.J. Alphons is a truly enlightening treatise which captivatingly delineates the art of living a meaningful and successful life with the right attitude and compassion while inspiring millions through an array of liberating thoughts and inspirational principles, which has the potential to motivate everyone to lead a happy and fulfilling life.

I would like to congratulate Sh. K.J. Alphons, an accomplished bureaucrat, an erudite politician and a man of substance for this fascinating account of his life told in a naturally enthusiastic manner.

Prof. Yogesh Singh
Vice Chancellor, University of Delhi

Last Updated: Nov 29, 2024
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